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Rewatch: How can digital be a tool for the circular economy?
16/11/2021 - 16/12/2021 // 12:01 am - 11:59 pm @
16/11/2021 - 16/12/2021 // 12:01 am - 11:59 pm @
A talk on the importance of circular economy and how digital can help us to make the most of these practices.
This BDF Session is presented in partnership with Tech-Takeback and MPB.
Living in a world where the economy threatens the survival of our planet, we are increasingly aware of the importance of exploring different approaches to business in order to meet these challenges. There’s now a real need to develop models that draw less and less on finite, non-renewable resources and reduce carbon emissions.
Matt Barker, CEO & Founder of MPB (our generous Photography sponsors for BDF 2021) and Dr. David Greenfield, Founder of Tech TakeBack are joined by Mariam Crichton who is Group Managing Director of 4 Earth Intelligence to discuss issues around sustainability, changing our buying habits in tech, and contributions to those in digital poverty through initiative like BDF’s Tech Amnesty. The discussion was Chaired by Atif Choudhury, co-founder and CEO of Diversity and Ability and Zaytoun CiC (the World’s first Fairtrade Palestinian olive oil cooperative), as well as a trustee for Disability Rights UK.
anyone who is interested in learning about more sustainable ways to relate to technology